
Hello, beloved welcome to my blog. My name is Micah Andrew, I am..emmm,. so many things. lol, I am a motivational speaker, a blogger, a microbiologist and sometimes a very good comedian. I am of course a proud Nigerian, Born and brought up in Akwa Ibom State. i love sharing ideas and helping people.

This blog Krack Your Life was created in November 2017. it was created to educate, motivate, help, and entertained its readers and bridege the gab between knowlege and wisdome. i so much appreciate you readers because withouth you there will be no Krack Your Life, I am here because of you my friends thank you. I also use this online platform to advertise and promote people’s goods and services, business, music etc. You can contact me today to place your ad on this blog. Hope to hear from you in ernest.

N/B Most post/the contents of this platform is from other online source thus not personal.

Thank you very much for reading.