

We leave in a world where you tell someone that you read your Bible everyday and he will b like ” what the fuck”?

The problem is not that the present day world is ungodly, but the main problem is church and the Papa that preach the word.

Why on earth do we think whatever the person that stand behind the mic is saying is true without us investigating the food First .. All of us got d Bible, who stop you from reading to know wether the message is true.

Because he is shouting, jumping, rolling on the ground, oo that means to our five senses that whatever massage he has to give is true. Bc we can feel, smell, touch and see what he is saying.
I Thought the Bible say we should worship God in spirit and truth.

A pastor will stand in “his church ” and say..

I speak healing and you say I receive
I speak fortune and you say I receive
I speak wealth and you say I receive

What happens to Speaking the truth about God. Or don’t we need it? I thought that was the main reason for us to go to church?
Not to go they and be entertained, but to go they an worship him in spirit and truth.

Well I don’t blame Church or Pastors for preaching everyday about prosperity, wealth, money, cars etc. Bc actually the Bible says in 2Timothy 3:2 that ” in the last days people will be lovers of wealth/money than God”
So they have to fullfil Gods prophecy right?

Also you wonder and complain that a pastors should not go with security i. e police or Army that it shows dey r puffed up kinda ppl an dt dey are proud,.

Well I got and answer 2Timothy 3:4 says ” People in the Last days will b puffed kinda ppl with lot of pride” so dey have to fulfill Gods prophecy don’t they? But should we allow ourselves to b the Judas of our time an be destroyed in the future? I think you will reject that.

So I think Church should preach what the Bible says, and stop preaching what people want to hear simply because they want to maintain more members and a steady free flow stream of wealth.

Post by : Micah Andrew


You Need Fruits And Veggies Everyday

Fruits and Vegetables are essential sources of nutrients like Vits A, B, C K, potassium as we all know. On my health page today, we’ll be looking at the health benefits of most fruits and vegetables.

The first on the list is
Apple – Contains calcium, magnesium, vit. C, and beta carotene.
Helps to relieve constipation
Contain pectin which helps to reduce cholesterol
Remove toxins from the gut.
Prevents skin wrinkling and skin damage.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Banana – Contains Vits B6, C, K, beta-carotene, iron, potassium and tryptophan.
B6 is important for mood and mental health.
Tryptophan helps to stabilise your mood and encourages sleep
Helps to lower cholesterol.
Contains pectin which helps to remove toxins from the digestive tract.
Reduces anxiety.

Carrot – Contains calcium, magnesium, phophorus, potassium, and beta carotene.
Detoxifies the digestive tract, liver and kidneys.
Contain potent antioxidants
Helps to improve eyesight
Naturally antibacterial and antiviral

Garden Egg – Contains little amount of carb, protein, iron, calcium, potassium and no fat. Rich in vits B and C,
Treats hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases
Protects the body from formation of cancers
Prevents and treats constipation
Reduces body’s cholesterol level
Aids digestion of food.

Garlic – Contains calcium, magnesium, sulphur, potassium and vit C.
A potent antioxidant
Is liver supportive because of sulphur contents
Reduces cholesterol
A heart and circulation tonifier.

Heals wounds when applied on the outside
Used for treating bleeding nose, gums, and minor internal haemorrage
Helps cure dysentery
Helps reduce constipation.

Mango– Contains iron, vits A and E
High antioxidant
Good for people suffering from anaemia

Olies – Rich in oleic acid, iron, beta carotene and vit E.
It is liver and gall bladder supportive.
A strong antioxidant and carotenoid
Protects cells from premature aging.
Strengthens retina and improves eyesight.

Onions – Contain calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, beta carotene, folic acid and sulphur.
Prevent and repairs stomach ulcer .
Relieves stomach cramps
Natural antibiotic
Liver supportive detoxifier.

Orange – Contains high percentage of Vit C
Helps in boosting immune system
Helps lower cholesterol level
Helps to lower blood pressure levels
Reduces arthritis, pains

Pawpaw – Source of proteolytic enzymes.
Controls premature aging
Improves poor digestion
Acts as cleanser
Boosts immune system thereby reducing the chances for illness.

 – Carotene, vitamins and minerals.
Fights heart disease
Relaxes the body blood vessel
Reduces risk of cancer
Prevents erectile dysfunction

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit

I’m sure after reading this, you will not hesitate to stock your fruit basket with wholesome fruits. Remember to have a safe place for your veggies too. If you’ve learnt anything from this post, you can let me know by leaving a comment.
Have a fruity day!


Guest post by: Maryanne Theodore